The sun of winter
fights against multiple beliefs,
it demolishes the neurosis of truth.
It unifies the spirits
in a grateful yawn of calm.
The stillness allows the winter’s infimum sprout,
and to bury the dead.
The dead of the forgiveness and the guilts
Illusions of the ego!
The movement that goes along with the processes of
stillness as the gentle stream of a rill,
it knows itself as part of the great sea and of the vastness cosmos,
which treasures the drop and nourishes it – the stone, the magma -.
The sporadic sparkles in the atmosphere speak naught.
If time is illusory, and everything is energy…
What do the comets know?
What revolutions do they plot?


El sol de invierno
combate las multicreencias,
y derriba la neurosis de la verdad.
Unifica los espíritus
en un bostezo agradecido de calma.
La quietud permite el brote ínfimo en invierno, y enterrar los muertos. Los muertos del perdón y las culpas ¡Ilusiones del ego!
El movimiento que acompaña los procesos de
quietud como la suave corriente de un arroyo,
se sabe parte del gran mar y de la vastedad del
cosmos, que atesora la gota y la nutre – la piedra,
el magma –.
Los brillos esporádicos en la atmósfera hablan de nada.
Si el tiempo es ilusorio, y todo es energía…
¿Qué saben los cometas?
¿Qué revoluciones traman?

Rocío Fierro Millán

Rocío Fierro Millán is a poet, mountaneering, dancer, mom and Veterinarian, who lives in the countryside, in the South of Chile. For more than 20 years she has been writing poetry and recently had published some of her creations in a personal blog:

These poems were written originally in Spanish in 2019, after her mother passed away. The translation was made by Matías Alucema, passionate reader and writer.

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